Offering a thoughtful, pragmatic, and personalized approach to divorce mediation and collaborative divorce.
Offering a thoughtful, pragmatic, and personalized approach to divorce mediation and collaborative divorce.
Offering a thoughtful, pragmatic, and personalized approach to divorce mediation and collaborative divorce.
Offering a thoughtful, pragmatic, and personalized approach to divorce mediation and collaborative divorce.
My practice is grounded in dignity, strong communication, and understanding individual and family needs and goals. I support individuals and families in focusing on solutions consistent with their unique values providing skilled support for creative problem solving related to their divorce transition. My process background involves Collaborative Law, mediation, and divorce litigation. I have years of experience working within the legal system and within voluntary processes such as mediation and collaborative divorce. Divorce, regardless of process, most often involves finances and often co-parenting. At times, mental health, substance abuse, intimate partner abuse. At all times, the creation of durable agreements. This background and combined knowledge allow me to work with a broad array of individuals, families, and divorce related issues.
My practice focuses on thoughtful, pragmatic, and individualized solutions. I work as a mediator to facilitate communications, financial uncoupling and resource allocation, and parenting arrangements. I also represent individuals in the collaborative divorce process. The focus is on creating a durable settlement agreement that thoughtfully shares financial resources, minimizes parenting chaos, and provides new skills to work through future conflict.
Each family is unique. From who is in their family and how they define their family, to their aspirations for their children's well being (when there are children) and their financial management. It also involves relationships within communities which continue to exist after a family experiences a divorce transition. Individuals often desire to maintain or transform a variety of relationships as they uncouple. How individuals participate in the business of their separation is key to their broader goals.
This is a formal contractual process that supports creative individualized solutions for divorcing individuals. It involves mutual decision making, transparency, dignity, and durable solutions. The clients and their interdisciplinary professionals are supported by a participation agreement, road map, and ethics protocols in this statutory process.
Facilitative mediation involves individuals working together to create durable personalized agreements with the help of a skilled neutral mediator. They may also use consulting attorneys to review and advise re agreements they are contemplating. The mediator will set agendas and should be able to provide a process road map. The mediator may have a financial, legal, or mental health background. Sometimes they have background in more than one of these areas.
Individuals often need a professional with training and background related to financial issues in a divorce process. This role involves assisting individuals and families in understanding and creating options for allocating their financial resources in divorce.
Former President of King County Collaborative Law.
Member Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM).
Member Washington State Bar Association.
Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
Member International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.
Member of Collaborative Professionals of Washington.
Kristy offers a one hour initial consultation for $150 for individuals interested in exploring a collaborative divorce process. For individuals seeking the services of a mediator, Kristy will schedule a 15 minute call with both potential clients.
Parents can use a co-parenting coach or a child specialist to create a plan for their children and their parenting. This professional is shared by both parents and is a "neutral" professional.
These individuals work with clients by agreement to ensure the clients have a shared understanding of their assets, debts, budgets, and provide tools for a thoughtful and shared financial plan during and after divorce/separation. This professional is shared by both clients and is a "neutral" professional.
A mediator is hired by both clients and helps the clients reach a negotiated settlement. There are varied approaches and settings for mediation. The mediator is not a decision maker. The mediator skillfully facilitates the negotiations between the clients. Mediators have a variety of professional back grounds, styles, and settings. Services and skill levels vary.
An arbitrator is a paid decision maker. Most often someone with respected expertise in her/his area of law. Clients may select arbitration for privacy or efficiency.
Most individuals will want or need court orders even if they reach an agreement out of court and even when there will be private aspects to their agreement. An order is needed to end a marriage, provide for legal custody (even if shared), provide for support involving children regardless of the agreements around such support.
Individuals can electronically file a Petition for Divorce, Legal Separation, non-parental custody, parenting and support on line in some counties. You are advised to consult with an attorney before filing a Petition.